Friday, March 2, 2007

chapter 9 :Lessons

Interprete the following quotation in terms of the characters, themes and events of this chapter and the novel as a whole:"'You stood up for yourself, Darryl.' Socrates said. 'That’s all a black man can do. You always outnumbered, you always outgunned.'” (p. 131)

The neighborhood Darryl lives in is a violent area cluttered with gangs. The quote "'You stood up for yourself, Darryl.' Socrates said. 'That’s all a black man can do. You always outnumbered, you always outgunned.'” Implies that Socrates feels that as long as Darryl is able to over come all of violence in his neighborhood by whatever means necessary he will be able to over come them. Socrates feels that the only way to succeed in society is by breaking the rules. Socrates believes that the only way Darryl will surpass his current status in society is by earning the respect of the people in his neighborhood and if necessary by breaking some rules. Socrates believes that Darryl is faced with a problem that must be overcome through whatever means necessary. Socrates is used to living in a situation where he has to struggle to get by, and is at times forced to break certain laws to survive. The fact that Darryl was willing to try and fight was enough proof to Socrates that Darryl was willing to do whatever was necessary to make it. Even though Socrates knows that Darryl wouldn’t be able to win in the fight Socrates wanted to see Darryl try before he intervened as stated in the following quote“ you done your job, Darryl. Now leave it up to me.” Socrates believes that Darryl has to get used to being outnumbered and outgunned because he will have to learn to deal with it sooner or later.

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