Friday, February 9, 2007

chapter 1 response

Chapter 1 response

The quote “But at least the motherfucker tried” is important for a few reasons.
Socrates is a poor black man that wants to do something with the rest of his life. He is described as a person that under no circumstances quits at anything. Socrates is a person that has been in jail for many years and wants to make the most of the rest of his life. Socrates under no circumstances condones quitting at anything if there is even the smallest possibility of succeeding. In this chapter Socrates Rooster is killed by some kid named Darryl. Socrates talks about how even though “The rooster was hoarse in his old age, his crow no more than a whimper” he still tried. This is one of the main reasons Socrates was outraged when Darryl killed. In this chapter Socrates talks about how he was in jail for killing a man and raping his women. Socrates has kind of a cynical view of the world. He thinks that he is a very violent person who must restrain himself at all times. This is important because even though Socrates views himself as a threat to everyone he still goes about living his life to the fullest extent possible. In this chapter Socrates meets a kid by the name of Darryl that has run away from his home and is living on the streets. In this chapter Socrates tries to teach his belief that people should live there life to the fullest as long as it isn’t at the expense of another creature. Socrates talks about how he regrets having killed someone every day and that it is hardest ting he has ever and will ever have to deal with. Socrates takes Darryl to his home and tells him that he will let him go after he helps him cook the rooster and admits that he killed the rooster. After Darryl admits to having killed the rooster Socrates admits that it was not his rooster and explains his real reason for taking making Darryl do all that stuff which was to get him to admit what he did and to get him to go back to his home with his family.

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