Monday, February 5, 2007

Chapter 3 the theif

"Stealin's right for the man takin' an' wrong fo' the man bein' took." Page 46

"Then I get all dressed up like this an' put on a runnin' suit or maybe some funky clothes like you got on, over that." Page 48

Page 41 “Lula used sage in her meat loaf. He couldn’t make it himself because all he had at home was a hot plate and you cant make meat loaf on a hot plate”

I’m sayin that this good life you talking ‘ ‘bout stealin’ comes outta your own brother’s house . page 47

“If you so upstanding an hardworkin’ an honest then why don’t you wanna come here an work fo me?”

In this chapter Socrates meets a person named Wilfred who is waving money around offering to pay for his meal . Socrates knows that the money is stolen. to show Wilfred that he doesn’t want his money he not only pays for his own meal but also pays for Wilfred’s meal.

In this chapter Socrates shows that he would rather have nothing than be given something from someone that did not earn it honestly. Socrates could be described as a very stubborn person. In this chapter he is offered a job at the restaurant but out of fear for the women, Lula he declines the offer. He fears that he might accidentally hurt her with his hands. He feels that since he can’t control his hands he might hurt the person that has been so nice to him

The chapter ends with Socrates walking home instead of taking the bus just so he could have a few cents to his name and because he enjoys the satisfaction of knowing he did something.

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