Saturday, February 3, 2007

Chapter 1 Crimson Shadow

In chapter one Socrates comes across a kid (Darryl) that killed his old friend a rooster (Billy).

In this chapter Socrates takes the kid to his house to his house to make him cook the rooster in order to get him to confess to killing the rooster.

In this chapter Socrates tells Darryl that he was in jail for killing a man and raping his women.

At the end of the chapter Socrates tells Darryl that the rooster wasn’t his but instead belonged to an old lady across the alley

“there was no respite for her but she still stood defiant”

At the end of the chapter Socrates talks about how his family deserted him after he was sent to jail . “In some ways he considers Darryl to be kind of like his only family”
(Family meaning someone that will listen to what he has to say without disregarding it as nonsense being said by a criminal desperate for attention)

“The rooster was hoarse in his old age, his crow no more than a whimper. But at least that motherfucker tried.” This implies that Socrates believes that no matter how bad something looks he wont give up which was the reason he acted the way he did when he found out about the rooster being killed.

“Just before he was asleep he though of how he would wake up alone.” This implies that he yearns for someone else in his life (friend or something more serious)

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