Friday, February 9, 2007

Chapter 3 response

Chapter 3 Response

In this chapter Socrates meets a man named Wilfred at a bar who is flashing around all of the money he has stolen. Socrates talks about how it is people like him that cause problems for poor people. Socrates talks about how he thinks that his crime of having murdered and raped someone is nothing compared to the crime of stealing from people. “When Socrates says “you out there shovelin it man. You the one out there stealin from the white man an’ blamin me he is talking abut how , because Wilfred robs people then blames other people for his crime other people are being arrested for crimes they didn’t commit. When Socrates says “But when the bill come due I’m the one got t’ pay it . Me an’ all the rest out here” he is talking about how even though Wilfred is offering him all this money for food he wont take it because he knows that in the end he may have to pay a much higher price or it, meaning that he might end up in jail or in debt to a person that stole the money he gave him.

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