Tuesday, February 6, 2007


The two questions I am focusing on in this presentation are; how do race and economic status influence human life and identity? And how can people redeem themselves after doing wrong?

In chapter 5 there are many examples that apply to the question, how do race and economic status influence human life and identity? in chapter 5 Socrates tries to get a job at a supermarket which he knows will be problematic because of his race, criminal history, and financial situation. Almost immediately after requesting an application he can tell that the manager is reluctant to give him one because of his appearance. After requesting an application from Anton Crier the store manager he looked at Socrates in a way where Socrates knew there was going to be a problem. “Anton Criers brow knitted and he stalled for a moment before asking , an application for what? A job……It was less than a minute and this short white man , just a boy really had already made him beg. ….Uh how old are you sir” . for no reason other than his appearance the people at the store were ready to throw him out just because of his financial status. After returning to the store for a few consecutive days asking the question

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