Friday, February 9, 2007

Chapter 2 response

Chapter 2 response.

In this chapter the group has to solve the problem of what to do about Petris who was seen killing someone. In this chapter the decision is one that almost every person in the group regrets after they find out that there decision was responsible for Petris getting killed. If they hadn’t exiled Petris from his home he wouldn’t have had to resort to mugging people to maintain a livable income. If the group had had more experience in dealing with matters similar to this one they might have thought of a better solution that wouldn’t have resulted in Petris being killed. An important quote in the chapter is proof of this is “We aint even sure he did it, Right,: Stony Wile, the squat ship welder from East ST. Louis said. “It’s just hearsay we goin’ on .”Noooo,no.” No- neck Howard shook his head. He was both the heaviest and the youngest man in the room.. “My li’l girl aint lyin’. She seen what I told you. “. Even though they are not positive that he committed the crime they still banish him from his home. If they had more experience discussing problems such as these they might have looked further into the evidence instead of jumping to conclusions based on Howard’s daughters statement. If they had looked further into the case they might have come to the conclusion that Petris was in fact innocent. All of the people in the group some what regret what was done, especially Socrates which becomes apparent when he says . “I don’t know if I’d ever have the heart ever to do it again”.

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