Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Chapter 5 Equal Opportunity

Page 63 “He imagined apples and T bone 1 steaks, fat hams and the extra large boxes of cereal that they only sold in supermarkets.”

Page 63 “The footsteps and occasional conversation blended together until they made a murmuring sound that lulled the ex convict”

Page 64 “There was a definite religious feeling feel to being in the great store”

Page 68 “he didn’t want to take the application back – partly because he didn’t want to break the pudgy white woman’s fingers”

Page 76 “she really thought that you were going to come in here guns blazing”

Page 78 “He wanted to know why I had left one of the boxes blank. What Box? The one that asks if I’d ever been arrested for or convicted of a felony”

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